I’m back from Berlin, where I had the honour of being invited to exhibit in the first Analogue festival, called “Super Contemporary” at the Karibuni http://karibuni.at. This was a converted foundry in the industrial part of Berlin on the HerzbergStraße, in the old DDR Friedrichshein area.
I was so impressed not just with the hanging but of the obvious advertising that had occurred. The Vernissage was so well attended it was incredibly busy and an estimated 1500+ people must have past through during the event night. The party didn’t finish until 6am I believe, not that I managed that at all!
It was my first trip to Berlin and I was staying in the ultra hip and chilled Michelberger Hotel http://michelbergerhotel.com/#/rocket on Warschauer Straße with my husband.
On our way up to our bijoux room we passed down the long corridors with their vanishing points and screen playing the wonderful Big Lebowski on loop, no matter what time of day you went ingot he building, woke up or fell asleep the BL could be your weekend background. Once settled in we decided to have a pre exhibition drink in the hotel bar and grab a bite to eat, to ready us for the long evening, Anticipation was growing and we need to find some way of getting over to the gallery which was on Herzebergstrasse 124, basically in an industrial zone and what seemed to us to be the middle of nowhere, it was dark and of course we had no idea where it was in relation to anything else.
After some typical tourist moves on the tram, having no change is no longer a problem in London, we eventually found the site. Through the dark blue gates and in the distance was the dancing light from a friendly looking fire. As we approached it was clear to see the space was already buzzing with visitors. The exhibition space was large and well lit considering it was freshly and partly converted from an old workspace, a foundry that had been converted into home gallery and workspace I believe. It all looked marvellous and the warm welcome was lovely. Beers in hand we relaxed into the evening, checked out the work, which was stupendous and chatted the evening away.
I am really grateful to Jan for organising and Sabine for inviting me in the first place. I had the opportunity to talk to some wonderful artists and also meet an old online friend for the first time.
The exhibition was themed around processes and I was the pinhole photographer, there were photographers using cyanotypes, poloroids, wet plate collodion, photograms, transfers onto textile and others such as double exposures and beautiful film photographs as documentary. During the evening I managed to chat with some of the creators and we discussed some processes and I was surprised by some methods, which was rather nice.
The evening finished for me at midnight, I felt a little like cinderella running from the ball, but this time it would be to catch the last tram, unfortunately I missed the party which went on until 6am, maybe next time!
The work and space with some pictures from the opening night!