It’s a busy month, the London Pinhole Festival is on at the Doomed Gallery Dalston I have a photo in it! I have to say that this is down to the fact that a friend in Mexico informed me about the festival, daft when I’m in London and not totally with the case this month, so many thanks to Becky Ramotowski for waking me up and also to Melanie King for choosing the piece to go in. Tonight was the Private View and it was fantastic to be in a room full of pinhole photographs, which came in all shapes, sizes and techniques. There were some really beautiful pieces there and it was a pleasure to meet with some familiar faces and also finally to meet those that I had talked to for many years online. Hello to the brilliant Solarigrafia AKA Diego Lopez Calvin. Doomed Gallery is also putting on a number of events over the weekend as part of WPPD World Pinhole Photography Day, which falls on the Sunday. Tomorrow, Saturday is filled with workshops for beginners and also a pinhole portrait event that lasts all day. I shall be taking my pinhole along in order to capture them doing a pinhole of me. Here are some digital photos from the evening.