Lumen Shroud was created whilst at a festival, I was having a discussion about the Turin Shroud and the chemical humours which, if the shroud wastrel would have exuded into the cloth leaving a residue and subsequent image, a bright day and surrounded by tents of the traditional white canvas variety my retina became ‘burnt in’ with an afterimage of a friend as I looked away at the side of the tent. This simple occurrence led me to wonder if I could re-create the self upon the surface of some photo paper in a similar manor to the ‘shroud’ The sun was intense and already having sufficient facial oils and protective creams on I rolled the paper across my face and that of those present or those willing and then laid them out in the sun to bake as chemigrams. They were then fixed onsite in the open and these are some of the subsequent images. The image below is now featured in two books on experimental photography.


